"The Return of Lynx to Northwestern Poland"

The project is implemented by the Western Pomeranian Nature Society together with the Mammal Research Institute of the Polish Acadamy of Sciences in Białowieża and the Cultural Center in Miroslawiec


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Bad news...

We regret to inform you that Nelly, a lynx who lived a year ago near Trzcianka, was found dead near Wapniarnia. The results of the autopsy showed that the cause of death was acute enteritis. It can be caused by poisoning, bacteria, viruses, diseases transmitted by domestic cats that lynx come into contact with. Toxicology studies will be commissioned. Gunshot, accident and biting were excluded.

Nelly orphaned two kittens born in May. They have spent the last weeks between Biała and Wrząca.

We kindly ask you to contact us, if someone notices the young in the area, they will not be able to handle it. Tel. 605 093 721.
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Mira - globtrotter lynx

Some time ago we wrote about wandering males who traveling in a really long distances, including: Łopuch, who reached Ukraine border, or Pako, who passed through Western Pomerania and southern Germany. It seemed obvious that males travel further than females. Fate has shown that it can be otherwise.

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